
Video Library


An Artful Affair

Click the project for more information . If you have any questions, please review our FAQs.
Amy Mogish
About the Artist
Amy Joanne Mogish of ‘Classic Amy Joanne’, is passionate about sharing all things Art & Home, as an artist, a blogger, a designer, a shopkeeper and teacher.
Her creative style for both Art & Home is a little cottage, some vintage with added homespun charm and a touch of whimsy.
Visit her website to find Paint and Pencil Art, along with Classic Chalk Art, Home Style and All Things Creative.
Contact Amy
Email – [email protected]
Website – www.classicamyjoanne.com
YouTube – Classic Amy Joanne – YouTube
Facebook – www.facebook.com/groups/createwithclassicamyjoanne
Instagram – www.instagram.com/classicamyjoanne
Creative Christmas Keepsake Journal Pages
Halloween Keepsake Journal Pages
Additional Webinars
Little Silver Bell
Original Date: AW 22 Convention
(Previous Students Need to Email Support for Code)
Webinar Info
How Webinars Work
All webinars are LIVE, interactive, and virtually through Zoom.
Once registered for a webinar, students receive an email confirmation with a CHECK LIST they will need to follow PRIOR to the date of the session. More often than not, artists provide prep instructions to be completed before the start of class.
Students will need to refer to their Confirmation Email to access digital instructions, line drawings, and to launch the Zoom Classroom when it opens on the day of class.
Students should attempt to enter the Zoom Classroom 30 minutes prior to the start of class. If a student is unable to access the Zoom Classroom, they should call the Support Team at (603) 420-8794. They should NOT email or PM via social media platforms if they’re trying to enter a Zoom Classroom.
Materials & Tools
Class registrations open approximately 8 weeks prior to the date of the class. This is to provide students ample time to order any supplies required for the project. Some artists may choose to provide surfaces and/or kits for an additional fee.
Additionally, artists may include prep work within their instructions. Any prep work will be noted clearly within instructions and students will be expected to complete any prep work prior to the start of class.
Refunds, Exchanges, & Credits
There are NO REFUNDS. In accordance to the Terms & Conditions, which students are required to agree to prior to submitting payment, refunds will not be given.
It is the student’s responsibility to review the mediums/supplies, dates, and times of webinars of interest. This information is always provided under each project tile, as well as on the registration page. Check personal calendars for any conflicts PRIOR to registering for a webinar. Refunds will not be granted if you are unable to attend, as instructions for the project are provided immediately after registration and the majority of our webinars offer a Video Replay for 30 days after the class.
There are NO EXCHANGES! Meaning, students will not be permitted to exchange one webinar for another should they decide to not want to take a webinar; nor will they be given permission to exchange the same webinar for a different date if a repeat date becomes available.
Credit will NOT be given. Students are provided immediate access to an e-pattern and prep-video (if teacher provides one), and they will still have access to the instructions and Video Replay for up to 30 days.
Skill Level Varies
While most classes are skilled for Intermediate to Advance, please check projects individually for skill level information.
Office Hours
Tuesday thru Friday | 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM ET
(603) 420-8794